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General FAQ

  • What is the Texas Virtual School Network?
  • The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) was established by the Texas Legislature in 2007 to provide Texas students with equitable access to quality, online courses. Since its inception in January 2009, the TXVSN has provided Texas students and schools with a valuable avenue for interactive, collaborative, instructor-led online courses taught by state certified and appropriately credentialed teachers.

    The Texas Education Agency (TEA) offers state-supported online learning opportunities to students across the state through the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) using a network approach that works in partnership with districts. TEA, under the leadership of the commissioner of education, administers the TXVSN, sets standards for and approves TXVSN courses and professional development for online teachers, and has fiscal responsibility for the network.

    The TXVSN is made up of two components—the TXVSN statewide course catalog and the TXVSN online schools program.

  • Is the state virtual school network the same as the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN)?
  • Yes. The TXVSN is made up of two components—the TXVSN statewide course catalog and the TXVSN online schools program (OLS).

  • What is TXVSN Online Schools?
  • The TXVSN Online Schools Program (OLS) offers full-time virtual instruction through eligible public schools to Texas public school students in grades 3-12. Instruction provided through the TXVSN OLS is 100 percent virtual and students participating in the program are not required to be physically present on campus during instruction.

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