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Apply and Submit

  1. Course Definitions
  2. Pre-Submission
  3. Course Review Process
  4. Access to the Electronic Course Submission System (ECSS)
  5. Assurance Statement
  6. Statewide Course Catalog Entry Process

Course Definitions

As defined by Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 - Technology-Based Instruction, Subchapter AA, "An educational course in which instruction and content are delivered primarily over the Internet, a student and teacher are in different locations for a majority of the student's instructional period, most instructional activities take place in an online environment, the online instructional activities are integral to the academic program, extensive communication between a student and a teacher and among students is emphasized, and a student is not required to be located on the physical premises of a school district or charter school. An electronic course is the equivalent of what would typically be taught in one semester. For example: English IA is treated as a single electronic course and English IB is treated as a single electronic course.”


A school district or open-enrollment charter school is required to meet with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to discuss the Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) statewide course catalog provider agreement, online instructor verification and TXVSN course provider eligibility/definitions. Also discussed are the course requirements including

  1. definition of a TXVSN (electronic) course in Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 30A, including emphasis on extensive communication between student and teacher and among students; (outside source)
  2. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state curriculum standards and corresponding breakouts;
  3. Texas Content Quality Measures;
  4. NSQ National Standards of Quality for Online Courses (outside source), and 
  5. current federal accessibility requirements listed in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973including requirements for creating accessible digital products and websites.
This meeting is required prior to the first submission only. Next, the provider must request access to the electronic course submission system (ECSS) and submit courses for review.

Course Review Process

TXVSN catalog course providers and full-time TXVSN online schools may use the following approved organizations to review an online student course or professional development course or program to demonstrate course alignment with TXVSN standards and readiness for inclusion in the TXVSN course catalog or online school curriculum. Please note the following organizations check accessibility standards as part of the national standards rubric and do not evaluate each requirement established in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Each course provider is responsible for ensuring compliance with current accessibility laws and, on request by TEA, must provide a written copy of a compliance assessment to the agency on or before the date specified by TEA.

Approved OrganizationApproval TermRates
QM Quality Matters, Inc.

SY 2020 - 2021

SY 2021 - 2022

SY 2022 - 2023

SY 2023 - 2024

SY 2024 - 2025

QM Quality Matters, Inc. Price List (PDF)

Electronic Course Submission (ECSS)

The TXVSN uses the ECSS to facilitate course submission, review, and data reporting. A potential TXVSN OLS course provider may request access to the ECSS after meeting with the TXVSN course review staff. Only one ECSS account will be created for a submitting entity. It is the responsibility of the submitting entity to either enter the course information into the ECSS or, at its discretion, share login information with those parties designated to submit courses on their behalf. Please submit the information below in your request.

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email Address:
  • Work Phone:
  • Entity Name:
  • Do you have courses developed, are you planning on creating courses, or both?
  • Courses you are considering offering:
  • Comments/Questions:

Eligible districts and open-enrollment charter schools serving as TXVSN course providers may request a waiver from the commissioner to the TXVSN course review process. The request is for a waiver of the TXVSN course review process only; it is not a waiver to any TXVSN course standards. If approved, the courses may be offered as provider-certified rather than TEA-approved. The TXVSN Course Review Waiver Request Assurance Statements Table must be attached to the waiver request within the TEA waiver system.

Assurance Statement

During the submission process, the potential TXVSN course provider must affirm a set of application assurances. Assurances identify the potential TXVSN course provider’s ability to meet statutory requirements. Details and submission forms are further explained within the ECSS.

Statewide Course Catalog Entry Process

After course review, TXVSN central operations finalizes a Provider Agreement with the potential course provider.  The agreement relates to course semester availability and enrollment schedules, the number of sections and seats available per course, course cost, and other relevant data needed to populate the TXVSN statewide course catalog. When the agreement is finalized, the TXVSN course provider’s courses are published in the TXVSN statewide course catalog and are available to TXVSN receiving districts.

The TXVSN statewide course catalog displays all approved courses with each course description and its objectives, associated technology specifications, schedule, assessments, costs, and other relevant data for each TXVSN course provider. School personnel and students can review options to select courses that best meet students’ needs.

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